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Social And Health
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Adult Female Literacy Rate
Social / HealthWorldThe percentage of women ages 15 and older who can both read and write with understanding a short simple statement about their everyday life
Adult Females with College Education (Bachelor's)
Social / HealthWorldThe percentage of the female population ages 25 and older that attained or completed Bachelor's degree or equivalent as the highest level of education
Adult Females with College Education (Master's)
Social / HealthWorldThe percentage of the female population ages 25 and older that attained or completed Master's degree or equivalent as the highest level of education
Adult Females with no Formal Education
Social / HealthWorldThe percentage of the female population ages 25 and older that has no formal education
Adult Females with only a Primary Education
Social / HealthWorldThe percentage of the female population ages 25 and older that attained or completed primary education as the highest level of education
Adult Females with only up to an Upper Secondary Education
Social / HealthWorldThe percentage of the female population ages 25 and older that attained or completed upper secondary education as the highest level of education
Adult Obesity Rate
Social / HealthWorldPercentage of a country's population characterized as obese, or those having a body mass index of 30 or greater
Areas Affected by Trypanosomiasis
Social / HealthSub-Saharan AfricaLocations in Sub-Saharan Africa where trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) is endemic
Automobile Use
Social / HealthWorldAutomobiles in use per 1,000 people
Change in Gender Inequality Index, 2011-2021
Social / HealthWorldPercent change in Gender Inequality Index values between 2011 and 2021, by country. The Gender Inequality Index measures achievement between women and men in three dimensions: reproductive health, empowerment, and the labor market.
Clean Water Access
Social / HealthWorldPercentage of the population with access to an improved water source
COVID-19 Case Mortality Rate
Social / HealthWorldCOVID-19 deaths as a percentage of all cases by country
COVID-19 Deaths
Social / HealthWorldTotal deaths from COVID-19 by country
COVID-19 Mortality Rate
Social / HealthWorldCOVID-19 mortality rate as a percentage of total population by country
COVID-19 Vaccination Rates
Social / HealthWorldNumber of vaccinations per 100 people by country. Each vaccination or booster shot received is counted in the total.
Daily Nutritional Intake
Social / HealthWorldAverage dietary energy supply adequacy, as a percentage of the estimated amount of daily energy needed to maintain health, growth, and an appropriate level of physical activity
Ebola Outbreaks, 1976–2022
Social / HealthSub-Saharan AfricaConfirmed and probable cases of Ebola
Female Age at First Marriage
Social / HealthWorldMean female age at first marriage shows the average length of single life expressed in years among those females who marry before age 50
Global Food Security
Social / HealthWorldA scoring of food security (0-100, with 100 being the most secure) constructed from 34 indicators to assess which countries are most and least vulnerable to food insecurity through the categories of affordability, availability, quality & safety, as well as the impact of natural resources and resilience have on food security.
Gross National Income per Capita
Social / HealthWorldThe gross national income per capita
Gun Ownership
Social / HealthWorldGun Ownership (US)
Social / HealthNorth AmericaPercent of the population that owns one or more firearms by state
Higher Education Enrollment
Social / HealthWorldRatio of students enrolled to total population in tertiary education age (18–24) group. Percentages can exceed 100% where students attending colleges and universities come from outside the 18- to 24-age group.
HIV and AIDS Prevalence
Social / HealthWorldThe number of adults (aged 15–49) living with HIV and AIDS per 1,000 people, by country
HIV (U.S.)
Social / HealthNorth AmericaThe number of persons in the United States with HIV per 100,000 persons, by state
Human Trafficking
Social / HealthWorldThe U.S. Department of State classifies countries into three tiers according to the severity of the human-trafficking problem in a country and the government’s commitment to combatting trafficking. Tier 1 (the lowest level) are countries that meet the standards for elimination of human trafficking; Tier 2 countries are making progress toward meeting the standards, Tier-2 Watch List countries (designated as 2.5 on the map) are Tier 2 countries that need more evidence to confirm their status. Tier 3 countries do not fully meet the minimum standards to eliminate trafficking and are making no effor to do so.Infant Mortality Rate
Social / HealthWorldThe annual number of infant deaths per 1,000 live births by country
Life Expectancy
Social / HealthWorldLife expectancy, the average number of years a person is expected to live, by country.
Literacy Rate
Social / HealthWorldThe percentage of the population, age 15 years or older, who has the ability to read, write, and use arithmetic. Some countries, such as the United States, Canada, and Australia do not report these rates to UNESCO.
Malaria Risk Areas
Social / HealthSub-Saharan AfricaAreas of elevated occurrence of malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa
Mass Shootings (U.S.)
Social / HealthWorldShootings in public places in the United States resulting in four or more victims killed by the attacker. The dataset excludes shootings stemming from more conventionally motivated crimes such as armed robbery or gang violence.
Maternal Mortality Rate
Social / HealthWorldThe annual number of female deaths per 100,000 live births by country.
Maternity Leave
Social / HealthWorldThe mandatory minimum number of calendar days that legally must be paid by the government, the employer, or both to a mother related to the birth of a child. Maternity leave is only available to the mother; it does not cover parental leave that is available to both parents.
Monkey Pox
Social / HealthWorldMonkey pox cases by country
Municipal Solid Waste per Capita
Social / HealthWorldAmount of municipal solid waste generated by countries per capita
Nitrogen Oxide (NOₓ) Emissions
Social / HealthWorldTotal annual emissions of nitrogen oxides by country
Opioid Deaths (U.S.)
Social / HealthNorth AmericaOpioid deaths per 100,000 people by state
Persons Living in Poverty (U.S.)
Social / HealthNorth AmericaPercentage of the U.S. population living at or below the poverty level, by county
Population Undernourished
Social / HealthWorldPercentage of the population having insufficient food or other substances for good health and condition.
Population Younger than Age 15
Social / HealthWorldPercentage of a country's population younger than 15 years of age.
Prison Population
Social / HealthWorldNumber of persons imprisoned per 100,000 people by country.
School Shootings (U.S.)
Social / HealthNorth AmericaShootings at K-12 schools in the United States since 1970.Sea-Level Rise Vulnerability (1 m)
Social / HealthWorldAreas vulnerable to a 1-meter rise in sea level
Sea-Level Rise Vulnerability (2 m)
Social / HealthWorldAreas vulnerable to a 2-meter rise in sea level
Sea-Level Rise Vulnerability (70 m)
Social / HealthWorldAreas vulnerable to a 70-meter rise in sea level, given worst-case scenario conditions
Sulfur Dioxide (SO₂) Emissions
Social / HealthWorldTotal annual emissions of sulfur dioxide by country
The Eastern Pacific Garbage Patch
Social / HealthOceansAlso known as the Pacific trash vortex, it is a widely-dispersed area of marine debris in the north-central Pacific Ocean covering 1.6 million square kilometers (618,000 square miles).
Tsetse Fly Range
Social / HealthSub-Saharan AfricaLocations in Sub-Saharan Africa where tsetse flies, the potential transmitters of trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), are endemic
Water Resources Vulnerability
Social / HealthWorldMeasure of projected water stress in the year 2020; water stress is the ratio of total annual water withdrawals to total available annual renewable supply.
Women in the Workforce
Social / HealthWorldPercentage of females (ages 15 and older) in the workforce by country
Women's Share of the Population Ages 15 and Older Living with HIV
Social / HealthWorldThe percentage of the total population ages 15 and older who are living with HIV and are female
Years of Schooling
Social / HealthWorldAverage number of years of educational attainment by countryYellow Fever Risk Areas
Social / HealthSub-Saharan AfricaLocations in Sub-Saharan Africa where yellow fever is endemic