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Physical Environment
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32°F (0°C)
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaLine indicating the surface position of air at 32°F (0°C)
Acid Rain
Physical EnvironmentUnited StatesAverage acidity of precipitation in the United States. Lower pH values represent greater acidity.
Air Pressure
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaThe pressure of air in the atmosphere, as measured in 4 millibar intervals
Approximate Form and Extent of Outcrop of Carbonate Rocks
Physical EnvironmentWorldExtent of carbonate rocks or predominantly carbonate sequences
Aquifers: Distribution and Recharge
Physical EnvironmentWorldGlobal distribution of aquifers, which are underground layers of water-bearing permeable rock
Areas Affected by Acid Rain
Physical EnvironmentWorldAreas of the world significantly impacted by acid precipitation
Areas Affected by Trypanosomiasis
Physical EnvironmentSub-Saharan AfricaLocations in Sub-Saharan Africa where trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) is endemic
Areas at Risk of Soil Degradation
Physical EnvironmentWorldLevels of concern for there to be a decline in soil quality caused by its improper use, usually for agricultural, pastoral, industrial, or urban purposes.
Areas of Heavy Groundwater Extraction
Physical EnvironmentWorldLocations where groundwater systems experience levels of extraction exceeding recharge rates over a limited period of time
Areas of Strong Tornado Occurrence
Physical EnvironmentWorldThe areas that show the greatest concentration of dots have the highest frequency of tornadoes
Average Annual Precipitation
Physical EnvironmentWorldGlobal distribution of average annual precipitation
Average Annual Snowfall
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaAverage annual snowfall for North AmericaAverage Distribution of Dew Point Temperatures, January
Physical EnvironmentUnited StatesAverage January dew points for the contiguous United States
Average Distribution of Dew Point Temperatures, July
Physical EnvironmentUnited StatesAverage July dew points for the contiguous United States
Average Number of Hail Storms
Physical EnvironmentUnited StatesAnnual average incidence of hail storms in the contiguous United States
Average Number of Tornado Incidences per Year (U.S.)
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaTornado prevalence in the United States per 1,000 square miles per year
Barren or Sparsely Vegetated Areas
Physical EnvironmentWorldAreas with little or no vegetation
Physical EnvironmentWorldThe world's biomes: regions where plants and animals have common characteristics because of similar climatesCalifornia Wildfires
Physical EnvironmentUnited StatesA map showing the largest California wildfires by number of acres burned.
Carbonate Outcrop Patterns Generalized in Mountain Regions
Physical EnvironmentWorldLocations of carbonate rock outcrop patterns in mountainous areas
Carbonate Outcrops
Physical EnvironmentWorldLocations of outcrops of carbonate rocks, primarily limestone and dolostone
Carbon Dioxide (CO₂) Emissions by Country
Physical EnvironmentWorldA world map showing carbon dioxide emissions by country in metric tons per year.
Carbon Dioxide (CO₂) Emissions Per Capita
Physical EnvironmentWorldCarbon dioxide emissions in metric tons per capita by country
Change in U.S. Annual Temperature from the 1901-1960 Period to the 1986-2016 Period
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaChange in annual average temperature, comparing the 1901-1960 period to the 1986-2016 period.
Change in U.S. Summer Temperature from the 1901-1960 Period to the 1986-2016 Period
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaChange in annual summer temperature, comparing the 1901-1960 period to the 1986-2016 period.
Change in U.S. Winter Temperature from the 1901-1960 Period to the 1986-2016 Period
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaChange in annual winter temperature, comparing the 1901-1960 period to the 1986-2016 period.
Climate Adaptability
Physical EnvironmentWorldThis world map shows each country's ability to adapt to climate change's negative effects using GAIN (Global Adaptation Index) This index measures a country's ability to adapt to the negative effects of climate change, including the country's exposure, sensitivity and capacity to adapt. Higher numbers indicate a country is less vulnerable.
Climate Zones
Physical EnvironmentWorldThe Köppen climate classification is a widely used climate classification system. It divides climates into five main groups, each with multiple subtypes.
Coal Production by Country
Physical EnvironmentWorldCoal production by country in quadrillion BTUs.
Coastal Areas of Eutrophication and Hypoxia
Physical EnvironmentWorldThe world's oceanic areas that are experiencing pollution, which results in algal blooms, species loss, and destruction of coral reefs
Cold Front
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaThe leading edge of a cold air massContinental Boundaries
Physical EnvironmentWorldLocations of the continental boundary lines between North America and South America, Africa and Asia, and Europe and Asia
Continental Shelf
Physical EnvironmentWorldExtent of the world's continental shelves, which are extensions of continents submerged by the oceans
Cool Currents
Physical EnvironmentWorldCool water oceanic currents.Days with Heavy Fog
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaAverage annual number of days in North America with heavy fog, where fog has made driving conditions dangerous
Deforestation: Net Loss, 2000-2015
Physical EnvironmentWorldAreas of the world experiencing tree cover loss
Desalinization Plants
Physical EnvironmentWorldLocations and capacities of desalinization plants worldwide
Deserts and Desertification Risk
Physical EnvironmentWorldDeserts and areas of the world at risk for desertification because of factors such as climate shift, drought, overgrazing, and land degradation. The various classifications were determined by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Direction of Plate Motion
Physical EnvironmentWorldDirection of movement of the world's plates along major fault linesDistribution of Calcium Carbonate in Modern Surface Sediments
Physical EnvironmentOceansPercentage of ocean surface comprised of calcium carbonate.
Distribution of Neritic (Nearshore) and Pelagic (Open Ocean) Sediments
Physical EnvironmentOceansComposition and distribution of ocean sediments.
Doppler Radar Sites (U.S.)
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaLocations of U.S. National Weather Service Doppler radars
Drought Risk
Physical EnvironmentWorldAreas of the world at risk for future drought. Risk is determined by a combination of environmental factors (e.g., historic drought occurrence), human factors that affect the likelihood of drought exposure (e.g., crop production, grazing, etc.) and social, economic, and infrastructure factors that affect how well a population can cope with drought (e.g., water impoundment and delivery).
Earthquake Hazard Areas (U.S.)
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaAreas in the United States with greater than 1% probability of potentially damaging ground shaking in one year
Physical EnvironmentWorldTime series data showing locations and Richter scale magnitudes of significant earthquakes from 1800 BCE to 2019. Use timeline controls at bottom of the map to display data by time period.
Ebola Outbreaks, 1976–2022
Physical EnvironmentSub-Saharan AfricaConfirmed and probable cases of Ebola
Ecological Regions: Level 1 Regions
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaExtent of the Level I Ecological Regions of North America
Ecological Regions: Level 2 Borders
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaLevel 2 Ecological Regions of North America. There are more than 50 such regions, which are areas of general similarity in ecosystems and in the type, quality, and quantity of environmental resources.Ecological Regions: Level 2 Labels
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaLevel 2 Ecological Regions of North America. There are more than 50 such regions, which are areas of general similarity in ecosystems and in the type, quality, and quantity of environmental resources.
Effectiveness of World Fisheries Management
Physical EnvironmentOceansAn ecosystem vitality index within EEZs calculated from the percentage of a country’s total catch that comes from overexploited or collapsed stocks, the health of a country’s fishing stock based on expected catch and changes over time, and the percentage of fish caught by trawling.Faults
Physical EnvironmentWorldLocations of the major fault lines (fractures in Earth's crust) showing convergent, divergent, transform, and other boundariesFlooding (U.S.)
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaNumber of flood events between 1950 and 2020.
Physical EnvironmentWorldThe number of floods recorded between 1985 and 2011 for select world riversForest Types, 1900
Physical EnvironmentSoutheast AsiaExtent of Southeast Asia's forests in 1900
General Area of Sedimentary Formations Favorable to Oil
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaGeologic formations in North America favorable to the location of petroleum
General Paths of Tropical Storms
Physical EnvironmentWorldGeneral paths of tropical storms.
Geology Rock Type
Physical EnvironmentWorldPredominant rock type or geological era
Glacial Loss 2010-2020
Physical EnvironmentWorldLoss of glacial ice between 1961 and 2016 measured using satellite imagery and field observations.
Global Mean Temperature, January
Physical EnvironmentWorldThe global mean temperature for January; calculated by averaging daily temperatures (the mean of high and low temperatures) dating from 1880 to the present for a regularly spaced array of continental, oceanic, and Antarctic meteorological stations covering the globe
Global Mean Temperature, July
Physical EnvironmentWorldThe global mean temperature for July; calculated by averaging daily temperatures (the mean of high and low temperatures) dating from 1880 to the present for a regularly spaced array of continental, oceanic, and Antarctic meteorological stations covering the globe
Global Surface Warming: Best-Case Projections
Physical EnvironmentWorldProjection of surface temperatures for the 2081–2100 period using the RCP2.6 model, which integrates change in annual mean surface temperature, change in annual mean precipitation, in percentages, and change in average sea level relative to the 1986–2005 period. RCP2.6 represents future change in atmospheric temperature if cumulative greenhouse gas emissions are reduced 70 percent between 2010 and 2100.Global Surface Warming: Worst-Case Projections (IPCC)
Physical EnvironmentWorldProjection of surface temperatures for the 2081–2100 period using the RCP8.5 model, which integrates change in annual mean surface temperature, change in annual mean precipitation, in percentages, and change in average sea level relative to the 1986–2005 period. RCP8.5 represents future change in atmospheric temperature if there is no reduction in cumulative greenhouse gas emissions between 2010 and 2100.
Global Surface Warming: Worst-Case Projections (NASA)
Physical EnvironmentWorldA representation of the annual mean surface temperature, given a worst-case projection based on projected or predicted models of comparatively high greenhouse-gas emissions for surface temperature changes relative to the average temperatures during the late 20th century (2081–2100), using assumptions commonly referred to RCP 8.5 in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) abstracts.
Global Temperature Change
Physical EnvironmentWorldThe changing global surface temperature in degrees Fahrenheit since 1880 (when a reasonably global distribution of meteorological stations was established).
Global Winds and General Circulation of the Atmosphere, January
Physical EnvironmentOceansGeneral circulation of global winds in January
Global Winds and General Circulation of the Atmosphere, July
Physical EnvironmentOceansGeneral circulation of global winds in July
Groundwater Salinization
Physical EnvironmentWorldAreas of saline groundwater (> 5 g/l total dissolved solids (TDS)).
Habitat Fragmentation
Physical EnvironmentWorldMagnitude of habitat fragmentation, caused by agriculture, urban infrastructure, roads, or railroads.
High- and Low-Pressure Zones, January
Physical EnvironmentWorldLocations of high- and low-atmospheric pressure at mean sea level during January.
High- and Low-Pressure Zones, July
Physical EnvironmentWorldLocations of high- and low-atmospheric pressure at mean sea level during JulyHigh Pressure
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaA region where atmospheric pressure at the surface is greater than surrounding areas
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaA violent, tropical, cyclonic storm of the western North Atlantic, having wind speeds of, or in excess of, 74 miles per hour
Idealized Conveyer-belt Circulation
Physical EnvironmentWorldHigh-density waters slowly drift into all oceans. Deep water returns to the surface in localized areas of upwelling and also as gradual, uniform upwelling throughout the ocean basins. Surface currents complete the conveyer by returning water to the source areas.
Physical EnvironmentWorldAverage annual levels of solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface
Intertropical Convergence Zone, January
Physical EnvironmentWorldLocation of the Intertropical Convergence Zone during January.
Intertropical Convergence Zone, July
Physical EnvironmentWorldLocation of the Intertropical Convergence Zone during JulyIsobars, January
Physical EnvironmentWorldAtmospheric pressure at mean sea level for the month of January
Isobars, July
Physical EnvironmentWorldAtmospheric pressure at mean sea level for July 2015Lake Desiccation
Physical EnvironmentWorldLakes that have been shrinking from climate change, human activities, or combinations of both
Land Cover
Physical EnvironmentWorldLand cover type classifications, including water, evergreen forest, deciduous forest, mixed forest, shrublands, savannas, grasslands, permanent wetlands, urban and built-up, cropland and natural vegetation, snow and ice, and barren or sparsely vegetated
Lightning Frequency
Physical EnvironmentWorldLightning flashes per square kilometer per year (flashes/km²/year)
Low Pressure
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaA region where atmospheric pressure at the surface is lower than surrounding areas
Major Dams
Physical EnvironmentWorldDams with a reported storage capacity of 5,000 million cubic meters (5,000,000,000 cubic meters) or more
Major Drainage Basins
Physical EnvironmentWorldThe world's drainage basins: land areas where surface water converges to a single point
Major Escarpments
Physical EnvironmentWorldLocation of major escarpments, which are steep slopes forming from faulting or erosion
Major Karst Regions
Physical EnvironmentWorldMajor karst regions in the world
Major Landforms
Physical EnvironmentWorldThe global distribution of Earth's landforms, including mountains, shields, plains, basins, ice caps, and isolated areas of volcanic activity
Major Soil Orders
Physical EnvironmentWorldThe world's major soil orders
Major Waterfalls and Cataracts
Physical EnvironmentWorldLocations of the world's major waterfalls and cataracts
Malaria Risk Areas
Physical EnvironmentSub-Saharan AfricaAreas of elevated occurrence of malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa
Mangrove swamps
Physical EnvironmentWorldLocation of mangrove swamps.
Marine Sediment Thickness
Physical EnvironmentOceansThickness of oceanic sediments.
Mean Sea-Surface Temperature
Physical EnvironmentOceansAverage sea-surface temperatures between 1990 and 2020
National Parks
Physical EnvironmentWorldLocations of terrestrial and marine protected areas
Natural Gas Production by Country
Physical EnvironmentWorldTotal natural gas production by countryNatural Gas Supply Areas
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaMajor natural gas-producing regions in North America
Nitrogen Oxide (NOₓ) Emissions
Physical EnvironmentWorldTotal annual emissions of nitrogen oxides by country
Ocean Bathymetry
Physical EnvironmentOceansOcean depth, in meters
Ocean Circulation Sinks
Physical EnvironmentWorldCirculation sinks are source areas for deep water in high-latitude regions where surface water cools, increases in density, and sinks.
Ocean Climate Zones
Physical EnvironmentOceansGeneralized zones of oceanic climateOil Pipelines
Physical EnvironmentWorldLocations of global oil pipelinesOil Shale or Tar Sands
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaLocations of major sedimentary rock formations and loose sands containing petroleum in North America
Oil Slicks (1990s)
Physical EnvironmentWorldGeneralized historical oil slicks.
Peak Drought Record, 2016 (U.S.)
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaIntensity of drought conditions on March 1, 2016
Poor Urban Air Quality
Physical EnvironmentWorldAmbient (outdoor) air pollution levels represented by annual mean concentration of particulate matter smaller than 10 (PM₁₀), for cities of the world with more than 100,000 inhabitantsPrecipitation Anomalies El Niño Years
Physical EnvironmentUnited StatesA composite of precipitation anomalies during El Niño from November to March during the following years: 1958, 1966, 1973, 1983, 1987, 1992, 1996, 1998, and 2010. Anomalies are the average precipitation differences from the base period 1951–2010. When sea surface temperatures in the tropical eastern Pacific rise well above normal, it is known as an El Niño event.
Precipitation Anomalies La Niña Years
Physical EnvironmentUnited StatesA composite of precipitation anomalies during La Niña from November to March during the following years: 1955, 1956, 1965, 1971, 1974, 1976, 1989, 1999, and 2011. Anomalies are the average precipitation differences from the base period 1951–2010. When sea surface temperatures in the tropical eastern Pacific drop below normal, it is known as a La Niña event.
Principal Aquifers
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaLocations of various aquifers in North America, including consolidated rock aquifers, which are made up of mostly volcanic rocks in the Northwest and mostly sandstone and limestone elsewhere; combination aquifers, which are sand and gravel aquifers overlying productive rock aquifers; and productive aquifers, which have a 0.4 liter/second potential
Producing Oil Fields In North America
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaThe locations of producing oil fields in North America
Rice Production
Physical EnvironmentWorldTotal annual rice production, by country.
Ring of Fire
Physical EnvironmentWorldLocation of the Ring of Fire, a tectonic zone with many active volcanoes and earthquakes
Salt Marshes
Physical EnvironmentWorldLocation of salt marshes.
Satellite Image of Land Vegetation Index
Physical EnvironmentWorldOur lives depend upon plants and trees. They feed us and give us clothes. They absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen we need to breathe. Plants even provide many of our medicines and building materials. When the plants and trees around us change, these changes can affect our health, our environment, and our economy. For these reasons, and more, scientists monitor plant life around the world. Today, scientists use NASA satellites to map the "greenness" of all Earth's lands. These vegetation index maps show where and how much green leaf vegetation was growing for the time period shown.
Satellite Image of Ocean Chlorophyll
Physical EnvironmentOceansConcentrations of chlorophyll-containing phytoplankton, tiny, floating plants that are an important part of the ocean's food chain. When phytoplankton grow in large numbers they make the ocean appear greenish.
Sea Ice Extent
Physical EnvironmentWorldMean extent of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice between 1981 and 2010
Sea-Level Rise Vulnerability (1 m)
Physical EnvironmentWorldAreas vulnerable to a 1-meter rise in sea level
Sea-Level Rise Vulnerability (2 m)
Physical EnvironmentWorldAreas vulnerable to a 2-meter rise in sea level
Sea-Level Rise Vulnerability (70 m)
Physical EnvironmentWorldAreas vulnerable to a 70-meter rise in sea level, given worst-case scenario conditions
Seasonal Precipitation, April to September
Physical EnvironmentWorldAverage precipitation between April 1 and September 30
Seasonal Precipitation, October to March
Physical EnvironmentWorldAverage precipitation between October 1 and March 31
Sea-Surface Temperature Anomalies: El Niño
Physical EnvironmentOceansA composite of sea-surface temperature anomalies during El Niño from November to March during the following years: 1958, 1966, 1973, 1983, 1987, 1992, 1996, and 1998. When sea-surface temperatures in the tropical eastern Pacific rise well above normal, it is known as an El Niño event.
Sea-Surface Temperature Anomalies: La Niña
Physical EnvironmentOceansA composite of sea-surface temperature anomalies during La Niña from November to March during the following years: 1955, 1956, 1965, 1971, 1974, 1976, 1989, and 1999. When sea-surface temperatures in the tropical eastern Pacific drop below normal, it is known as a La Niña event.
Soil Erosion
Physical EnvironmentWorldAreas of soil degradation where human activities result in high or very high levels of water and wind erosion
Sulfur Dioxide (SO₂) Emissions
Physical EnvironmentWorldTotal annual emissions of sulfur dioxide by country
Tectonic Hotspots
Physical EnvironmentWorldLocations of tectonic hotspots—areas in the mantle where heat rises as a thermal plume from deep in the Earth.
Temperature Anomalies: El Niño Years
Physical EnvironmentUnited StatesA composite of temperature anomalies during El Niño from November to March during the following years: 1958, 1966, 1973, 1983, 1987, 1992, 1996, 1998, and 2010. Anomalies are the average temperature differences from the base period 1951-2010. When sea surface temperatures in the tropical eastern Pacific rise well above normal, it's known as an El Niño event.
Temperature Anomalies: La Niña Years
Physical EnvironmentUnited StatesA composite of temperature anomalies during La Niña from November to March during the following years: 1955, 1956, 1965, 1971, 1974, 1976, 1989, 1999, and 2011. Anomalies are the average temperature differences from the base period 1951-2010. When sea surface temperatures in the tropical eastern Pacific drop below normal, it's known as a La Niña event.
The Eastern Pacific Garbage Patch
Physical EnvironmentOceansAlso known as the Pacific trash vortex, it is a widely-dispersed area of marine debris in the north-central Pacific Ocean covering 1.6 million square kilometers (618,000 square miles).
Thunderstorm Occurrence
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaThunderstorm occurrence in North America
Tropical Cyclone Zones
Physical EnvironmentOceansAreas of the world affected by tropical cyclones. In the Americas, tropical cyclones are known as hurricanes; in the western Pacific Ocean, they are known as typhoons; and in the Indian Ocean, they are known as cyclones.
Tropical Forests
Physical EnvironmentWorldLocations of equatorial evergreen broadleaf forests, which are forests that receive high rainfall throughout the year
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaAn elongated area of relatively low atmospheric pressure, often associated with fronts
Tsetse Fly Range
Physical EnvironmentSub-Saharan AfricaLocations in Sub-Saharan Africa where tsetse flies, the potential transmitters of trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), are endemic
Tsunami Hazard
Physical EnvironmentWorldCoastal areas at risk of being affected by tsunamis.
Physical EnvironmentWorldTime series map animation showing locations of significant volcanic eruptions from 1800 to 2019. Use timeline controls at bottom of the map to display data by time period.
Physical EnvironmentWorldTime series map animation showing locations of significant volcanic eruptions from 1800 to 2019. Use timeline controls at bottom of the map to display data by time period.
Wallace’s Line
Physical EnvironmentSoutheast AsiaThe line delineating the boundary between Australian and Southeast Asian fauna
Warm Currents
Physical EnvironmentWorldWarm water oceanic currents.Warm Front
Physical EnvironmentNorth AmericaThe leading edge of a warm air massWater Resources Vulnerability
Physical EnvironmentWorldMeasure of projected water stress in the year 2020; water stress is the ratio of total annual water withdrawals to total available annual renewable supply.
Wildland Urban Interface (US)
Physical EnvironmentUnited StatesWind Direction, January
Physical EnvironmentWorldWind direction relative to atmospheric pressure during January.
Wind Direction, July
Physical EnvironmentWorldWind direction relative to atmospheric pressure during JulyWind-driven Surface Currents
Physical EnvironmentOceansDirection of ocean currents formed by moving air masses.
World Elevations
Physical EnvironmentWorldElevation of Earth's surface, including the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets.
Worldwide Tidal Patterns
Physical EnvironmentWorldTidal patterns throughout the world. A diurnal tidal pattern has one high tide and one low tide each lunar day. A semidiurnal tidal pattern has two high tides and two low tides each lunar day. A mixed tidal pattern may have characteristics of both diurnal and semidiurnal tides. Successive high tides and/or low tides will have significantly different heights.
Yellow Fever Risk Areas
Physical EnvironmentSub-Saharan AfricaLocations in Sub-Saharan Africa where yellow fever is endemic