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Agricultural Land
EconomicWorldPercentage of total land area that is capable of producing crops
Agricultural Regions
EconomicNorth AmericaAgricultural regions of North America
Aid Dependency Net ODA received as a percentage of GNI
EconomicWorldMultilateral aid received, in U.S. dollars, as a percentage of a country's gross national income
Aid Dependency: Net Official Development Assistance Received per Capita
EconomicWorldPer capita multilateral aid received in U.S. dollars
Aluminum-Bauxite Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's bauxite mines
Aluminum Production by Country
EconomicWorldProduction of aluminum by country
Annual Wine Production
EconomicWorldAverage annual production of wine in metric tons, by country
Anthropogenic Biomes
EconomicWorldThe world's agricultural regions, based on crop and livestock association, labor and capital intensity, productivity, consumption, and methods and techniques used
Arable Land
EconomicWorldPercentage of total land area that is capable of producing crops
Asbestos Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's asbestos mines (includes inactive mines)
Asbestos Production by Country
EconomicWorldProduction of asbestos by country
Automobile Use
EconomicWorldAutomobiles in use per 1,000 people
Beef Cows
EconomicNorth AmericaNumber of beef cows in North America, by state or province
Box Office Revenue
EconomicWorldMap of the world showing movie box office revenue by country in U.S. Dollars
Brown Coal (Lignite) Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's brown coal mines
Cattle and Calves
EconomicNorth AmericaNumber of cattle and calves reported by survey of farming operations in North America, by state or province
Cellular Phones
EconomicWorldSubscriptions of mobile and cell phones per 1,000 inhabitants
Change in Acreage of Farmland (U.S.)
EconomicNorth AmericaIncrease or decrease in the amount of land in farms by county, 2007-2012
Chromium Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's chromium mines
Chromium Production by Country
EconomicWorldProduction of chromium by country
Coal (Bituminous, Anthracite) Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's bituminous and anthracite coal mines
Coal Consumption (%)
EconomicWorldCoal consumption as a percentage of world consumption by country
Coal Production (%)
EconomicWorldCoal production as a percentage of world production by country
Coal Production by Country
EconomicWorldCoal production by country in quadrillion BTUs.
Cobalt Mines
EconomicWorldLocations of cobalt mines worldwide
Copper Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's copper mines
Copper Production by Country
EconomicWorldProduction of copper by country
Core Diamond Mining Areas
EconomicSub-Saharan AfricaCore area of diamond mining in Sub-Saharan Africa
Corn and Maize Production
EconomicWorldTotal annual production of maize and corn by country
Corn Production
EconomicNorth AmericaAnnual corn production in North America by state or province
Cotton Production (U.S.)
EconomicNorth AmericaAnnual U.S. cotton production by state
Crude Oil Production by Country
EconomicWorldProduction of crude oil by country
Diamond Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's diamond mines
Diamond Production by Country
EconomicWorldProduction of diamonds by country
Drug Cultivation and Production Regions
EconomicWorldMajor growing and production regions of coca, cocaine, cannabis, opium, and heroin
Effectiveness of World Fisheries Management
EconomicOceansAn ecosystem vitality index within EEZs calculated from the percentage of a country’s total catch that comes from overexploited or collapsed stocks, the health of a country’s fishing stock based on expected catch and changes over time, and the percentage of fish caught by trawling.Electricity from Hydroelectric Power
EconomicWorldTotal annual production of electricity from hydroelectric power as a percentage of total electricity production.
Electricity from Nuclear Power
EconomicWorldTotal annual production of electricity from nuclear power as a percentage of total electricity production
Electricity from Solar Power
EconomicWorldTotal annual production of electricity from solar power, as a percentage of total electricity production, by country
Electricity from Wind Power
EconomicWorldTotal annual production of electricity from wind power as a percentage of total electricity production, by country
Electricity Generation from Hydroelectric Power
EconomicWorldTotal annual production of electricity from hydroelectric power
Electricity Generation from Nuclear Power
EconomicWorldTotal annual production of electricity from nuclear power
Electricity Generation from Solar Power
EconomicWorldTotal annual production of electricity from solar power
Electricity Generation from Wind Power
EconomicWorldTotal annual production of electricity from wind power
Electric Vehicle Adoption
EconomicWorldElectric and hybrid vehicles as a percentage of new vehicles purchased
Energy Consumption
EconomicWorldTotal annual consumption of primary energy, including nonrenewable sources (petroleum, natural gas, coal, and uranium) and renewable sources (solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal energy)
EconomicWorldThe value of all goods and other market services provided from one country to the rest of the world
Family Farms (U.S.)
EconomicNorth AmericaFarms in the United States that are corporations, limited liability corporations, or family operations with 50% or more ownership interest held by operator or persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption
Farm Area (Acreage)
EconomicNorth AmericaThe number of acres in farms in North America, by state
Farms with Any Poultry (U.S.)
EconomicNorth AmericaThe number of farms in the United States with any poultry sold, which includes all farms with sales of poultry, poultry hatched, or eggs
Farm Workers Working Fewer than 150 Days (U.S.)
EconomicNorth AmericaHired farm workers in the United States working fewer than 150 days per calendar year
Foreign Direct Investment
EconomicWorldThe amount of investment associated with a resident in one economy in enterprises in another economy
Forests by Country
EconomicWorldPercentage of land area covered by forest
Fossil Fuel Exports
EconomicWorldFossil fuel exports as a percentage of total exports by country
Gender Development Index (GDI)
EconomicWorldThe Gender Development Index (GDI) is an adjustment to the Human Development Index (HDI) score, which is a composite of life expectancy, education, and per-capita income indicators. The GDI adjusts the HDI for gender gaps in the HDI variables. Values approaching 1.0 indicate gender equality, values greater than 1.0 indicate higher development for women when compared to men, and values less than 1.0 indicate lower levels of development for women when compared to men.
General Area of Sedimentary Formations Favorable to Oil
EconomicNorth AmericaGeologic formations in North America favorable to the location of petroleum
Golden Triangle
EconomicSoutheast AsiaSoutheast Asia's main opium-producing area
Gold Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's gold mines
Gold Production by Country
EconomicWorldProduction of gold by country
Gross National Income per Capita
EconomicWorldThe gross national income per capita
Gross National Income per Capita at Purchasing Power Parity
EconomicWorldGNI per capita based on purchasing power parity (PPP) in international dollars. An international dollar would buy in the cited country a comparable amount of goods and services that a U.S. dollar would buy in the United States. This term is often used in conjunction with PPP data.
Human Trafficking
EconomicWorldThe U.S. Department of State classifies countries into three tiers according to the severity of the human-trafficking problem in a country and the government’s commitment to combatting trafficking. Tier 1 (the lowest level) are countries that meet the standards for elimination of human trafficking; Tier 2 countries are making progress toward meeting the standards, Tier-2 Watch List countries (designated as 2.5 on the map) are Tier 2 countries that need more evidence to confirm their status. Tier 3 countries do not fully meet the minimum standards to eliminate trafficking and are making no effor to do so.Hydroelectric Power Production
EconomicWorldThe world's primary regions for producing hydroelectricity at dammed river power plants
EconomicWorldThe net value of grain imports and exports by country in millions of U.S. dollars. Positive values indicate exports exceeding imports; negative values indicate imports exceeding exports.
Income Inequality
EconomicWorldIncome inequality by country measured by the GINI Index. A higher number indicates greater inequality.
Income Inequality (USA)
EconomicNorth AmericaA map of income inequality as measured by the GINI index. A higher number represents higher levels of inequality.
Inland and Intracoastal Waterway
EconomicNorth AmericaNavigable inlands and intracoastal waterways in North America
Iodine Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's iodine mines
Iron Ore Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's iron ore mines
Iron Ore Production by Country
EconomicWorldProduction of iron ore by country
Irrigated Crop Intensity
EconomicWorldA measure of comparing the amount of land in irrigated crops is shown as a percentage of all land that is equipped (available) for irrigation. Areas of double-cropping—where the same area is cultivated and irrigated twice in a year—are counted twice. Thus, the land in irrigated crops can exceed 100%.
Lapis Lazuli Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's lapis lazuli mines
Lead Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's lead mines
Lead Production by Country
EconomicWorldProduction of lead by country
Lithium Mines
EconomicWorldLocations of lithium mines worldwide
Major Drug Trade Financial and Transit Centers
EconomicWorldMajor financial and transit centers of the global drug trade.
Major Industrial Centers
EconomicWorldThe world's major centers of industrial production
Major Iron-Producing Areas in North America
EconomicNorth AmericaLocations of major iron-producing areas in North America
Major Manufacturing Regions
EconomicNorth AmericaLocations of major manufacturing regions in North America
Major Rail Route
EconomicNorth AmericaMajor railroads of North America
Manganese Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's leading manganese mines
Manganese Production by Country
EconomicWorldProduction of manganese by country
Meat Production
EconomicWorldTotal meat production by country.
EconomicWorldThe world's megacities, urban areas where single cities or clusters of cities have at least 10 million people
Military Expenditures
EconomicWorldMilitary expenditures as a percentage of GDP, by country
Milk Cows
EconomicNorth AmericaNumber of milk cows in North America by state or province
Milk Production
EconomicWorldMilk production, in millions of metric tons, by country.
Municipal Solid Waste per Capita
EconomicWorldAmount of municipal solid waste generated by countries per capita
Natural Gas Consumption (%)
EconomicWorldNatural gas consumption as a percentage of world consumption by country
Natural Gas Production (%)
EconomicWorldNatural gas production as a percentage of global production by country
Natural Gas Production by Country
EconomicWorldTotal natural gas production by countryNatural Gas Supply Areas
EconomicNorth AmericaMajor natural gas-producing regions in North America
Net Value of Grain Imports and Exports
EconomicWorldThe net value of grain imports and exports by country in millions of U.S. dollars. Positive values indicate exports exceeding imports; negative values indicate imports exceeding exports.Nickel Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's nickel mines
Nickel Production by Country
EconomicWorldProduction of nickel by country
Nitrate Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's nitrate mines
Nitrogen Oxide (NOₓ) Emissions
EconomicWorldTotal annual emissions of nitrogen oxides by country
Nuclear Energy Consumption (%)
EconomicWorldNuclear energy consumption as a percentage of world consumption by country
Nuclear Site Capacity
EconomicWorldLocation and capacity of current, operating nuclear power plants. Capacity is defined as the maximum electrical power each plant can generate continuously throughout a prolonged period of operation under reference ambient conditions.Oil Consumption (%)
EconomicWorldOil consumption as a percentage of global consumption by country
Oil Pipelines
EconomicWorldLocations of global oil pipelinesOil Production (%)
EconomicWorldOil production as a percentage of global production by country
Oil Refineries
EconomicWorldMajor oil refineries with a capacity of, or more than, 100,000 billion barrels per day
Oil Shale or Tar Sands
EconomicNorth AmericaLocations of major sedimentary rock formations and loose sands containing petroleum in North America
Oil Slicks (1990s)
EconomicWorldGeneralized historical oil slicks.
Opium Poppy Cultivation
EconomicWorldEstimated levels of opium poppy cultivation
Per Capita Gross Domestic Product
EconomicWorldGross domestic product per capita by country
Per Capita Gross Domestic Product (China)
EconomicEast AsiaGross domestic product for China's administrative areas
Per Capita Gross Domestic Product (Mexico & Brazil)
EconomicLatin AmericaGross domestic product for administrative subregions in Mexico and Brazil
Per Capita Gross Domestic Product (North America)
EconomicNorth AmericaGross domestic product for administrative subregions (states, provinces, etc.)
Performance during 2008–2009 Recession (U.S.)
EconomicNorth AmericaImpact of the 2008–2009 economic recession on selected metropolitan areas of the United States
Permanent Cropland
EconomicWorldPercentage of total land area that is used for crop production
Petroleum and Natural Gas Production
EconomicWorldThe world's primary regions for producing petroleum and natural gas
Phosphate Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's phosphate mines
Phosphates Production by Country
EconomicWorldProduction of phosphates by country
Platinum Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's platinum mines
Platinum Production by Country
EconomicWorldProduction of platinum by country
Power Plants
EconomicWorldLocations of electricity-generating plants with capacity greater than 100 megawatts
Prevailing Agricultural Practices
EconomicWorldPrevailing agricultural practices
Primary Occupation of Farm Operator (U.S.)
EconomicNorth AmericaPercentage of principal farm operators reporting their primary occupation as farming
Producing Oil Fields In North America
EconomicNorth AmericaThe locations of producing oil fields in North America
Proven Coal Reserves
EconomicWorldCoal reserves as a percentage of known world reserves by country
Proven Natural Gas Reserves
EconomicWorldNatural gas reserves as a percentage of known world reserves by country
Proven Oil Reserves
EconomicWorldPetroleum reserves as a percentage of known world reserves by country
Regions of Weaker-Performing Cities
EconomicNorth AmericaPortions of the United States where cities had weak economic performance relative to other U.S. cities
Remittances: Inflow
EconomicWorldInflows of migrant remittances, in millions of U.S. dollars
Remittances: Outflow
EconomicWorldOutflows of migrant remittances in millions of U.S. dollars
Rice Production
EconomicWorldTotal annual rice production, by country.
Rice Production (U.S.)
EconomicNorth AmericaRice production in metric tons by state
Silver Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's silver mines
Silver Production by Country
EconomicWorldProduction of silver by country
Soybean Production
EconomicNorth AmericaTotal soybean production in the United States
Students per Teacher in Primary School
EconomicWorldPupils per teacher in primary education by country.
Sulfur Dioxide (SO₂) Emissions
EconomicWorldTotal annual emissions of sulfur dioxide by country
Tin Mine Production by Country
EconomicWorldProduction of tin by country
Tin Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's tin mines
Tobacco Production (U.S.)
EconomicNorth AmericaTobacco production in the United States, in metric tons
Total Debt Service (Percentage of Gross Nation Income)
EconomicWorldCosts of principal repayments and interest paid to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as a percentage of total gross national income (GNI)
Total Energy Derived from Hydropower
EconomicWorldHydroelectricity as a percentage of total energy production
Tourism Revenues
EconomicWorldRevenue from international tourism in millions of U.S. dollars
Tourist Arrivals
EconomicWorldNumber of arriving tourists and visitors by country
Trade Balance
EconomicWorldBalance of trade (import value minus export value) by country. Negative numbers mean a country is importing more dollar value than it is exporting. Positive numbers mean a country is exporting more dollar value than it is importing.
Tungsten Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's tungsten mines
Tungsten Production by Country
EconomicWorldProduction of tungsten by country
TV Ownership
EconomicWorldNumber of televisions for every 1,000 persons.
Uranium Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's uranium mines
Uranium Production by Country
EconomicWorldProduction of uranium by country
Vacant Housing Units (U.S.)
EconomicNorth AmericaPercentage of housing in the United States that is vacant, excluding seasonal, recreational, or occasional use
Vegetable Production
EconomicNorth AmericaFarmland used for vegetable production in North America
Water Resources Vulnerability
EconomicWorldMeasure of projected water stress in the year 2020; water stress is the ratio of total annual water withdrawals to total available annual renewable supply.
Water Use Per Capita
EconomicWorldThe estimated amount of water each person uses, by country.
Water Use Per Capita (U.S.)
EconomicNorth AmericaThe estimated amount of water each person uses in the United Sates, by county.
Wheat Production
EconomicWorldWorld map of wheat production in million metric tons by country
Wheat Production
EconomicNorth AmericaProduction of wheat in North America at the state or provincial level
Women in the Workforce
EconomicWorldPercentage of females (ages 15 and older) in the workforce by country
World Railroads
EconomicWorldLocations of railroads
World Trade Organization
EconomicWorldMember and Observer states of the World Trade Organization (WTO), an intergovernmental organization that regulates international trade.
Zinc Mine Production by Country
EconomicWorldProduction of zinc by country
Zinc Mines
EconomicWorldThe world's zinc mines