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African American Population
CulturalNorth AmericaAfrican American population as a percentage of the total U.S. population, by county
American Indian Population
CulturalNorth AmericaAmerican Indian and Alaska Native population as a percentage of the total U.S. population, by county
Arabic as Official or de facto Language
CulturalWorldCountries where Arabic is an official (or serves as a de facto) language
Asian American Population
CulturalNorth AmericaAsian population as a percentage of the total U.S. population, by county
Cultural Diffusion
CulturalWorldDirection of diffusion of key cultural innovations out of the world's culture hearths
Daily Nutritional Intake
CulturalWorldAverage dietary energy supply adequacy, as a percentage of the estimated amount of daily energy needed to maintain health, growth, and an appropriate level of physical activity
English as Official or de facto Language
CulturalWorldCountries where English is an official (or serves as a de facto) language
Ethnic and Cultural Regions
CulturalNorth AmericaDistinctive contemporary cultural regions of North America
Ethnic Boundaries
CulturalSub-Saharan AfricaThe territorial extent of ethnic groups in Sub-Saharan Africa
Ethnic Diversity
CulturalWorldEthnic diversity, ranging from situations where a country's population is comprised of multiple ethnic groups to those that have a high degree of ethnic homogeneity, by country
Ethnic Groups (Iraq and Iran)
CulturalSouthwest Asia and North AfricaEthnic minority groups of Iran and IraqFacebook Users
CulturalWorldThe number of Facebook users in millions, by country
Family Households (U.S.)
CulturalNorth AmericaFamily households in the United States as percentage of all households. A family household contains at least two persons: the householder and at least one other person related to the householder by birth, marriage, or adoption.
Foreign Born Population
CulturalWorldPercentage of a country’s total population born in a different countryFrench as Official or de facto Language
CulturalWorldCountries where French is an official (or serves as a de facto) language
Gross National Income per Capita
CulturalWorldThe gross national income per capita
Herder's Environment
CulturalWorldAreas of the world conducive to the spread of pastoralism (approximately 500 CE–1500 CE)
Higher Education Enrollment
CulturalWorldRatio of students enrolled to total population in tertiary education age (18–24) group. Percentages can exceed 100% where students attending colleges and universities come from outside the 18- to 24-age group.
Hispanic American Population
CulturalNorth AmericaHispanic or Latino population as a percentage of the total U.S. population, by county
Indigenous Languages
CulturalLatin AmericaLanguages native to a region and spoken by indigenous people. Often, indigenous languages are minority languages.Internet Users
CulturalWorldThe number of Internet users per 1,000 people, by country
Language Families
CulturalAustralia & OceaniaThe predominant language families of Australia and Oceania. Language families are groups of languages related through descent from a common ancestral language.
Language Families
CulturalCentral AsiaThe predominant language families of Central Asia. Language families are groups of languages related through descent from a common ancestral language.
Language Families
CulturalWorldThe world's major language families. Language families are groups of languages related through descent from a common ancestral language.
Language Families
CulturalEast AsiaThe predominant language families of East Asia. Language families are groups of languages related through descent from a common ancestral language.
Languages by Country
CulturalWorldThe languages spoken in each country. Numbers in legend indicate each country's number of official languages. Scroll over each country for a list of official and predominant languages.
Languages - Russian Domain
CulturalEurasiaLanguages within the Russian domain
Language Subfamilies
CulturalEuropeThe predominant language subfamilies of Europe. A language subfamily is a major division of a language family, above a language branch.
Largest Racial Group (U.S.)
CulturalNorth AmericaMost populous racial group in the United States by county
Major Hearths
CulturalWorldLocations of major culture hearths, areas of cultural innovation that gave rise to a particular culture region
Movement of Peoples
CulturalWorldPrehistoric movements of people engaging in herding
Muslim Populations
CulturalSub-Saharan AfricaAreas where Islam is the majority religion or a large minority religion
National Parks
CulturalWorldLocations of terrestrial and marine protected areas
Netflix Subscribers
CulturalWorldNumber of Netflix subscribers by country
Original Tillers' Environment
CulturalWorldLocations of early forms of crop agriculture (approximately 500 CE–1500 CE)
Portuguese as Official or de facto Language
CulturalWorldCountries where Portuguese is an official (or serves as a de facto) language
Prison Population
CulturalWorldNumber of persons imprisoned per 100,000 people by country.
Religious Affiliations (U.S.)
CulturalNorth AmericaA map showing religious affiliations in the United States based on data from the Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA).
Religious Groups
CulturalSub-Saharan AfricaThe major religious groups of Sub-Saharan Africa
Religious Practitioners
CulturalWorldDistribution of world major religions, as well as, folk and tribal religionsRural Ethnic European Settlements
CulturalNorth AmericaContemporary rural ethnic European settlements in North America
Scattered Indigenous Language Communities
CulturalLatin AmericaLinguistic geography of South America
Second-Largest Racial Group (U.S.)
CulturalNorth AmericaThe second-largest racial group in the United States, by county
Selected Native Land Reserves
CulturalNorth AmericaLand set aside for native or aboriginal groups in selected countriesSelected Native Land Reserves (Australia)
CulturalAustralia & OceaniaLand set aside for native or aboriginal groups in Australia
Soft Drink Dialects
CulturalNorth AmericaThe distribution of generic names given to soft drinks in North America
Spanish as Official or de facto Language
CulturalWorldCountries where Spanish is an official (or serves as a de facto) language
Spread of Agriculture
CulturalWorldThe direction of the spread of crop agriculture from early core areas
Students per Teacher in Primary School
CulturalWorldPupils per teacher in primary education by country.
TV Ownership
CulturalWorldNumber of televisions for every 1,000 persons.