MapMaster 3
Atlas (Beta)Pacific Islands Forum (PIF)
Australia & OceaniaGeopoliticalCountries in Australia and Oceania that are member states of the Pacific Islands Forum, an organization founded in 1971 to enhance the economic and social well-being of the people of the South Pacific and foster cooperation among member governments
A map highlights membership in the Pacific Islands Forum. Yellow indicates members, such as Australia, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea. Orange indicates associate members, such as New Caledonia. Pink indicates forum observers, such as Timor-Leste.
Value | U.S. Presidential Election: Popular Vote by County, 2004 | Class | Rank | Deaths per 100,000 live births | Class | Rank | Percent | Virgil C Summer nuclear power plant | River Bend nuclear power plant | Clinton nuclear power plant | Donald C Cook nuclear power plant | Catawba nuclear power plant | Columbia nuclear power plant | Limerick nuclear power plant | Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant | Sequoyah nuclear power plant | LaSalle nuclear power plant | Byron nuclear power plant | Watts Bar nuclear power plant | McGuire nuclear power plant | Alvin W Vogtle nuclear power plant | Braidwood nuclear power plant | Comanche Peak nuclear power plant | Waterford nuclear power plant | Browns Ferry nuclear power plant | Callaway nuclear power plant | Wolf Creek nuclear power plant | Seabrook nuclear power plant | Susquehanna nuclear power plant | South Texas nuclear power plant | Peach Bottom nuclear power plant | Palo Verde nuclear power plant | Grand Gulf nuclear power plant | Prairie Island nuclear power plant | Robert Emmett Ginna nuclear power plant | Point Beach nuclear power plant | Nine Mile Point nuclear power plant | Monticello nuclear power plant | H. B. Robinson nuclear power plant | Cooper nuclear power plant | Turkey Point power station | Bruce nuclear power plant | James A Fitzpatrick nuclear power plant | Surry nuclear power plant | Oconee nuclear power plant | Arkansas Nuclear One nuclear power plant | Calvert Cliffs nuclear power plant | Edwin I Hatch nuclear power plant | Joseph M Farley nuclear power plant | Millstone nuclear power plant | Davis Besse nuclear power plant | Dresden nuclear power plant | Quad Cities nuclear power plant | Beaver Valley nuclear power plant | Brunswick nuclear power plant | Shearon Harris nuclear power plant | North Anna nuclear power plant | Class | Rank | Total cases | |
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