Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest58 1,020 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest54 0 6.63% 1.78% 25.5% 0.226% 5.17% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. High11 145,000 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest37 224,000 1.13% 23.6% 20.0% 37.0% 18.2% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest50 6,690 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest44 67,100 22.2% 65.3% 0.130% Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest61 47 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest61 0 2.57% 1.17% 39.3% 42.1% 0.676% 0.532% 2.01% Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest62 8 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest57 0 10.4% 11.3% 1.93% 1.61% 13.9% 14.4% 4.36% 8.69% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest63 0 100% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Highest5 245,000 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest36 233,000 0.168% 52.7% 47.1% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Highest2 354,000 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest33 604,000 8.51% 90.0% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest52 3,700 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest50 0 77.0% 23.0% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest56 2,240 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest56 0 100% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest53 3,450 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest49 0 4.97% 95.0% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. Highest3 326,000 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest34 419,000 1.04% 10.6% 19.8% 20.2% 12.1% 35.6% 0.648% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest60 617 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest38 218,000 48.7% 16.7% 16.6% 10.4% 7.61% Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest64 0 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest52 0 41.3% 36.7% 7.71% 1.80% 1.53% 0.139% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest41 11,800 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest39 196,000 1.84% 16.7% 6.56% 12.0% 2.35% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. Low20 62,200 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest55 0 5.45% 71.9% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Low18 79,000 Clicking on the button will update the content. High12 8,880,000 5.40% 24.2% 48.6% 17.6% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest44 8,960 Clicking on the button will update the content. High14 5,350,000 100% Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest48 7,420 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest45 47,700 8.11% 10.6% 36.1% 17.3% 27.8% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest36 22,700 Clicking on the button will update the content. Low27 1,440,000 0.585% 33.4% 66.0% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest29 33,600 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest31 721,000 1.09% 21.6% 74.1% 3.24% Clicking on the button will update the content. Low16 88,900 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest62 0 2.52% 8.96% 20.3% 68.2% Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest46 7,740 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest59 0 0.267% 0.717% 31.5% 16.7% 3.54% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest27 36,800 Clicking on the button will update the content. Low22 2,370,000 53.6% 46.4% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest55 2,650 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest41 149,000 90.8% 9.25% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest34 23,300 Clicking on the button will update the content. Highest4 37,000,000 2.93% 89.3% 7.74% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. High15 102,000 Clicking on the button will update the content. Low15 3,880,000 1.17% 8.70% 65.9% 24.2% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest39 18,500 Clicking on the button will update the content. High10 12,800,000 97.2% 2.76% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest40 12,900 Clicking on the button will update the content. Low24 1,880,000 100% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest45 8,580 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest63 0 0.113% 0.444% 32.9% 60.0% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Highest9 155,000 Clicking on the button will update the content. Low21 2,510,000 100% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. Highest10 154,000 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest35 271,000 0.565% 3.81% 5.52% 5.86% 3.52% 49.6% 23.8% Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest23 48,700 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest47 42,900 0.276% 0.234% 58.0% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest37 19,700 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest30 869,000 41.8% 58.2% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest32 28,000 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest42 136,000 7.94% 33.3% 53.7% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest51 6,380 Clicking on the button will update the content. High9 13,000,000 96.1% 3.88% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Highest4 251,000 Clicking on the button will update the content. High8 13,900,000 0.368% 53.9% 28.7% 12.9% 3.74% Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest35 23,000 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest48 11,800 1.64% 6.95% 12.6% 20.1% 4.57% 5.28% 0.164% 6.19%
Newfoundland and Labrador
Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest57 1,390 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest51 0 5.05% 7.84% 8.94% 30.5% 12.3% 3.57% 0.308% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest25 47,800 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest40 196,000 9.73% 90.3% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest30 30,300 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest29 930,000 85.1% 14.9% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Highest8 166,000 Clicking on the button will update the content. High13 8,530,000 1.83% 31.7% 16.4% 14.6% 8.66% Clicking on the button will update the content. Low21 61,700 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest46 44,000 22.8% 73.1% 3.13% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest43 9,250 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest58 0 77.5% 20.8% 1.09% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest24 48,100 Clicking on the button will update the content. Low19 2,990,000 7.74% 34.9% 57.3% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. Low17 79,300 Clicking on the button will update the content. Low18 3,010,000 3.18% 32.7% 15.2% 10.5% 30.1% 8.34% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest54 3,200 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest53 0 1.83% 39.4% 47.0% 11.8% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest38 19,000 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest60 0 2.27% 79.0% 18.5% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. High14 109,000 Clicking on the button will update the content. Low25 1,710,000 48.4% 51.6% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. High13 125,000 Clicking on the button will update the content. Low23 2,040,000 16.1% 65.1% 18.0% 0.137% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest31 29,300 Clicking on the button will update the content. Low26 1,590,000 2.23% 17.7% 58.3% 21.7% Clicking on the button will update the content. High12 134,000 Clicking on the button will update the content. Low16 3,560,000 11.0% 4.90% 11.5% 3.83% 3.39% 3.67% 19.7% 17.8% 0.183% Clicking on the button will update the content. Low19 68,800 Clicking on the button will update the content. Low28 1,330,000 2.65% 4.40% 2.91% 25.0% 48.7% 10.4% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest49 6,860 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest32 620,000 64.4% 35.6% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest33 27,700 Clicking on the button will update the content. Low20 2,630,000 100% Clicking on the button will update the content. Highest7 170,000 Clicking on the button will update the content. High11 9,440,000 2.58% 3.28% 0.872% 19.2% 2.31% 2.14% 0.326% 0.285% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. Highest1 1,170,000 Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest43 89,900 2.29% 10.6% 16.3% 5.69% 2.96% 35.4% 15.6% 1.52% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest42 11,100 Clicking on the button will update the content. Low17 3,050,000 15.7% 84.3% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest59 830 Clicking on the button will update the content. Highest6 16,800,000 2.09% 52.0% 45.9% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest28 35,300 Clicking on the button will update the content. Highest7 15,100,000 23.4% 76.6% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest26 40,100 Clicking on the button will update the content. Highest5 24,800,000 100% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. Highest6 212,000 Clicking on the button will update the content. Highest3 37,100,000 13.4% 3.05% 20.4% 21.8% 9.11% Trump (R) Clicking on the button will update the content. Lowest47 7,700 Clicking on the button will update the content. Highest1 63,000,000 5.30% 6.65% 14.4% 73.6% Clinton (D) Clicking on the button will update the content. Low22 61,400 Clicking on the button will update the content. Highest2 57,600,000 1.50% 98.5%