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Population Change 2000–2010 (U.S.)

North AmericaPopulation
Percentage change in U.S. population by county, 2000–2010
U.S. Census Bureau
The map shows striking regional differences in the percentage of change in the population of counties in the United States between 2000 and 2010. In the Northeast and Midwest, most counties either had small gains of between 0 and 4.9 percent or lost between 0 and –5 percent. In a few counties in upstate New York, western Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio, and parts of northern Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, losses exceeded 5 percent. Western Ohio, northern Indiana, much of Illinois, and eastern Iowa experienced modest declines of between 0 and –5 percent. At the same time, population increased by 5 to 14.9 percent in southern Minnesota, Wisconsin, Missouri, and parts of Indiana and Ohio. In the South, many areas showed strong growth—from 5 to 14.9 percent and higher—including Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Tennessee. Counties lost population (between 0 and –5 percent, with significant numbers of counties less than –5 percent) in West Virginia, eastern Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and northern Louisiana. From the Northern Plains to Texas, a vast area of rural counties lost significant numbers of residents—declines of more than –5 percent in many counties. This population loss is most evident in eastern Montana, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, western Iowa, Kansas, southeastern Wyoming, Colorado, and West Texas. In contrast, counties in the Rocky Mountains, Great Basin, and Southwest often experienced strong growth—from 5 to 14.9 percent and higher—as exemplified by western Montana, southern Idaho, most of Wyoming and Colorado, parts of New Mexico, much of Nevada, and virtually all of Utah and Arizona. The Pacific coast states of Washington, Oregon, and California also grew, except for eastern Oregon, which saw declines from 0 to –5 percent and less. Hawaii’s population grew by more than 14.9 percent. In Alaska, the counties around Anchorage and Fairbanks also made strong gains, whereas other counties declined or grew slightly.
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Literacy Rate

African Union (AU) Members

Gold Production by Country

Dependency Ratio

Refugees by Destination

Income Inequality

Per Capita Gross Domestic Product (Mexico & Brazil)

Population Change 2000–2010 (U.S.)
















GINI index percentage

Jalisco, Mexico

Baja California, Mexico

Tamaulipas, Mexico

Maranhão, Brazil

Piauí, Brazil

Sonora, Mexico

Baja California Sur, Mexico

Quintana Roo, Mexico

Coahuila, Mexico

Ceará, Brazil

Bahia, Brazil

Pará, Brazil

Tabasco, Mexico

Zacatecas, Mexico

Pernambuco, Brazil

Acre, Brazil

Nuevo León, Mexico

Tocantins, Brazil

Amapá, Brazil

Rondônia, Brazil

Roraima, Brazil

Amazonas, Brazil

Minas Gerais, Brazil

Goiás, Brazil

Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Mato Grosso, Brazil

Paraná, Brazil

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Santa Catarina, Brazil

Chiapas, Mexico

São Paulo, Brazil

Oaxaca, Mexico

Guerrero, Mexico

Campeche, Mexico

Puebla, Mexico

Michoacán, Mexico

Nayarit, Mexico

México, Mexico

Hidalgo, Mexico

Veracruz, Mexico

Durango, Mexico

San Luis Potosí, Mexico

Sinaloa, Mexico

Guanajuato, Mexico

Yucatán, Mexico

Chihuahua, Mexico
