MapMaster 3
Atlas (Beta)MapMaster 3
Students per Teacher in Primary School
WorldCulturalEconomicPupils per teacher in primary education by country.
A world map shows students per teacher in primary school: Dark green (more than 45) such as eastern parts of Africa (Kenya). Green to light green (20 to 45): India, South Africa, Russia, Brazil. Light yellow (less than 20): U S A, China, and Saudi Arabia.
Countries | ||||||||||||||||
Class | Rank | Value | Class | Rank | International dollars | Class | Rank | Quadrillion BTU | Caledonian and Hercynian (or Appalachian) remnants | Isolated volcanic areas | Alpine system | Sedimentary covers | Rifted shield areas | Laurasian shields | Gondwana shields | |
85.4% | 19.3% | |||||||||||||||
55.8% | 71.3% | |||||||||||||||
38.0% | 65.2% | 56.6% | ||||||||||||||
20.5% | 76.8% | 4.69% | ||||||||||||||
11.2% | 27.6% | 54.3% | 2.84% | 4.06% | ||||||||||||
35.5% | 97.4% | 44.6% | 50.7% | 7.06% | 50.3% | 6.93% | ||||||||||
1.81% | 52.7% | 30.3% | 51.9% | |||||||||||||
20.9% | 11.7% | 18.7% | 85.2% | 66.6% | ||||||||||||
8.52% | 31.9% | 30.9% | 29.9% | |||||||||||||
23.9% | 38.4% | 51.7% | ||||||||||||||
95.7% | 5.08% | |||||||||||||||
4.12% | 51.2% | 52.5% | 18.0% | 23.4% | ||||||||||||
10.8% | 10.8% | 20.1% | 27.2% | 76.1% |