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Agricultural Density
AgricultureWorldIntensity of land used for agriculture as indicated by the number of farmers per square kilometer of arable land
Agricultural Land
AgricultureWorldPercentage of total land area that is capable of producing crops
Agricultural Regions
AgricultureNorth AmericaAgricultural regions of North America
Agricultural Water Consumption
AgricultureWorldAgricultural water withdrawal as a percentage of total renewable water resources by country
AgricultureWorldPercent of fish harvested from farms by country
Arable Land
AgricultureWorldPercentage of total land area that is capable of producing crops
Areas of Heavy Groundwater Extraction
AgricultureWorldLocations where groundwater systems experience levels of extraction exceeding recharge rates over a limited period of time
Beef Cows
AgricultureNorth AmericaNumber of beef cows in North America, by state or province
Cattle and Calves
AgricultureNorth AmericaNumber of cattle and calves reported by survey of farming operations in North America, by state or province
Change in Acreage of Farmland (U.S.)
AgricultureNorth AmericaIncrease or decrease in the amount of land in farms by county, 2007-2012
Corn and Maize Production
AgricultureWorldTotal annual production of maize and corn by country
Corn Production
AgricultureNorth AmericaAnnual corn production in North America by state or province
Cotton Production (U.S.)
AgricultureNorth AmericaAnnual U.S. cotton production by state
Family Farms (U.S.)
AgricultureNorth AmericaFarms in the United States that are corporations, limited liability corporations, or family operations with 50% or more ownership interest held by operator or persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption
Farm Area (Acreage)
AgricultureNorth AmericaThe number of acres in farms in North America, by state
Farms with Any Poultry (U.S.)
AgricultureNorth AmericaThe number of farms in the United States with any poultry sold, which includes all farms with sales of poultry, poultry hatched, or eggs
Farm Workers Working Fewer than 150 Days (U.S.)
AgricultureNorth AmericaHired farm workers in the United States working fewer than 150 days per calendar year
Fishing Sustainability
AgricultureWorldIrrigated Crop Intensity
AgricultureWorldA measure of comparing the amount of land in irrigated crops is shown as a percentage of all land that is equipped (available) for irrigation. Areas of double-cropping—where the same area is cultivated and irrigated twice in a year—are counted twice. Thus, the land in irrigated crops can exceed 100%.
Meat Production
AgricultureWorldTotal meat production by country.
Milk Cows
AgricultureNorth AmericaNumber of milk cows in North America by state or province
Net Value of Grain Imports and Exports
AgricultureWorldThe net value of grain imports and exports by country in millions of U.S. dollars. Positive values indicate exports exceeding imports; negative values indicate imports exceeding exports.Ocean Fishing
AgricultureWorldPercent of fish caught wild by country
Permanent Cropland
AgricultureWorldPercentage of total land area that is used for crop production
Physiological Density
AgricultureWorldPhysiological population density, or the number of persons per unit area of arable land, by country.
Prevailing Agricultural Practices
AgricultureWorldPrevailing agricultural practices
Rice Production
AgricultureWorldTotal annual rice production, by country.
Rice Production (U.S.)
AgricultureNorth AmericaRice production in metric tons by state
Soybean Production
AgricultureNorth AmericaTotal soybean production in the United States
Tobacco Production (U.S.)
AgricultureNorth AmericaTobacco production in the United States, in metric tons
Vegetable Production
AgricultureNorth AmericaFarmland used for vegetable production in North America
Wheat Production
AgricultureWorldWorld map of wheat production in million metric tons by country
Wheat Production
AgricultureNorth AmericaProduction of wheat in North America at the state or provincial level