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Distribution of Calcium Carbonate in Modern Surface Sediments
OceansPercentage of ocean surface comprised of calcium carbonate.
Distribution of Neritic (Nearshore) and Pelagic (Open Ocean) Sediments
OceansComposition and distribution of ocean sediments.
Effectiveness of World Fisheries Management
OceansAn ecosystem vitality index within EEZs calculated from the percentage of a country’s total catch that comes from overexploited or collapsed stocks, the health of a country’s fishing stock based on expected catch and changes over time, and the percentage of fish caught by trawling.Global Winds and General Circulation of the Atmosphere, January
OceansGeneral circulation of global winds in January
Global Winds and General Circulation of the Atmosphere, July
OceansGeneral circulation of global winds in July
Marine Sediment Thickness
OceansThickness of oceanic sediments.
Mean Sea-Surface Temperature
OceansAverage sea-surface temperatures between 1990 and 2020
Ocean Bathymetry
OceansOcean depth, in meters
Ocean Climate and Currents
OceansGeneralized zones of oceanic climate with warm water and cool water ocean currentsOcean Climate Zones
OceansGeneralized zones of oceanic climateSatellite Image of Ocean Chlorophyll
OceansConcentrations of chlorophyll-containing phytoplankton, tiny, floating plants that are an important part of the ocean's food chain. When phytoplankton grow in large numbers they make the ocean appear greenish.
Sea-Surface Temperature Anomalies: El Niño
OceansA composite of sea-surface temperature anomalies during El Niño from November to March during the following years: 1958, 1966, 1973, 1983, 1987, 1992, 1996, and 1998. When sea-surface temperatures in the tropical eastern Pacific rise well above normal, it is known as an El Niño event.
Sea-Surface Temperature Anomalies: La Niña
OceansA composite of sea-surface temperature anomalies during La Niña from November to March during the following years: 1955, 1956, 1965, 1971, 1974, 1976, 1989, and 1999. When sea-surface temperatures in the tropical eastern Pacific drop below normal, it is known as a La Niña event.
The Eastern Pacific Garbage Patch
OceansAlso known as the Pacific trash vortex, it is a widely-dispersed area of marine debris in the north-central Pacific Ocean covering 1.6 million square kilometers (618,000 square miles).
Tropical Cyclone Zones
OceansAreas of the world affected by tropical cyclones. In the Americas, tropical cyclones are known as hurricanes; in the western Pacific Ocean, they are known as typhoons; and in the Indian Ocean, they are known as cyclones.
Wind-driven Surface Currents
OceansDirection of ocean currents formed by moving air masses.