MapMaster 3
Atlas (Beta)MapMaster 3
Students per Teacher in Primary School
WorldCulturalEconomicPupils per teacher in primary education by country.
A world map shows students per teacher in primary school: Dark green (more than 45) such as eastern parts of Africa (Kenya). Green to light green (20 to 45): India, South Africa, Russia, Brazil. Light yellow (less than 20): U S A, China, and Saudi Arabia.
Class | Rank | Value | Class | Rank | Metric tons | Regina | Houston | Philadelphia | Oklahoma City | San Antonio | Boulder | Wichita | Portland | Irvine | Minneapolis | Boise | Winnipeg | Spring Hill | Greeley | St. Louis | Detroit | West Palm Beach | Columbus | Augusta | McAllen | Topeka | Las Cruces | Bakersfield | Oceanside | Reno | Indianapolis | Stockton | Baton Rouge | Glendale | Salinas | Trenton | Aurora | Modesto | Nogales | Rock Island | Fresno | Covington | |
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