MapMaster 3
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Australia Oceania
4 layers found
Human Occupation
Australia & OceaniaAreas of Australia, New Zealand, and Oceanina settled before 2500 BCE, settled by 1200 BCE, settled by 200 BCE, settled by 400 CE, and settled by 800 CE.
Language Families
Australia & OceaniaThe predominant language families of Australia and Oceania. Language families are groups of languages related through descent from a common ancestral language.
Pacific Islands Forum (PIF)
Australia & OceaniaCountries in Australia and Oceania that are member states of the Pacific Islands Forum, an organization founded in 1971 to enhance the economic and social well-being of the people of the South Pacific and foster cooperation among member governments
Selected Native Land Reserves (Australia)
Australia & OceaniaLand set aside for native or aboriginal groups in Australia