MapMaster 3
Atlas (Beta)MapMaster 3
A world map shows the percent households with T V. Dark green (more than 350): Canada, U S A, Greenland, U K, Russia, and Australia. Green to light green (50 to 350): Argentina, Brazil, China, India. Very light green (less than 50): Most parts of Africa.
Countries | ||||||||||||||||
Class | Rank | Percent households with TV | Class | Rank | US dollars | Bolivia, 1825 | Brazil, 1822 | Chile, 1817 | Gran Colombia, 1819–1830 | Mexico, 1821 | Paraguay, 1811 | Peru, 1821 | United Provinces of Central America, 1823–1839 | United Provinces of La Plata, 1816 | Uruguay, 1828 | |
14.4% | ||||||||||||||||
51.9% | 90.2% | 38.7% | 24.3% | 74.9% | 10.3% | 99.7% | 1.85% | 97.4% | ||||||||
98.5% | ||||||||||||||||
33.1% |